A little over a year ago, I discovered Youtube's 'beauty community'. I am now a self proclaimed addict, principally when it comes to Cosmetic demonstration and product reviews. Looking back over my favorites and giving it some thought, I came up with a list of things that I may never have figured out if it werent for the 'Gurus' of Youtube 'Tutorialism'...heh heh. Feel free to include your own fun tips here in the comments.
From Amy B of Askmemakeup:Amy's channel is the first one I came accross in my attempt to find authentic Pin Up Girl makeup. Her tutorials are very fun to watch, her voice is like a glass of brandy, and the fun music just adds that touch of professionalism to every video. My favorite of Amys videos is the one from which the above still photo was taken...and the lovely Summer makes it even more appealing. I love the bright colors and flirty eyelashes, especially. Her application techniques for other looks of the past, such as the one for '1920's' makeup and the wonderful tutorial for a'Marie Antoinette' look, likewise show her skills to their best advantage. I can't wait for her next installment!
From Iris of Ilovegerardo:What a hottie! Her gorgeousness only makes her long-haired pin up tutorials more enthralling to watch. Those acres of black tresses are the envy of everyone, certainly, but the girl also has MAD skills! This is especially evident in the gentle way she guides you through her styles and the genuine desire to help that comes accross so easily in every one of her videos. Without Iris, I would never have known how to make a headband of flowers out of my own hair or how to make even long hair looks adorably 'flapper-esque' by simply using a few bobby pins...and her wonderful instructions for underpinning. The fact that she's a devoted wife also makes her all the more personable.
From Jody of MonroeMisfitMakeup: In my opinion, Jody is one of the strongest technical makeup artists on YT. Her videos are always succint and highly informative...never lingering too long with real time instruction but instead focusing on photo style tutorials that are usually coupled with peppy music befitting her user name. The 'Bubblegum Pink' and 'Glitter Gold Pinup Girl' makeup looks are downright STAPLES for my trips to Vegas, as are the homemade hot pink hair extensions she creates so effortlessly.. In addition, without Jody I would never have learned about Coastal Scents, one of my favorite makeup suppliers online.
From Tiffany of MakeupbyTiffanyD: Though all of Tiffany's tutorials are technically sound and super useful, the tip I will always appreciate most is in regards to the application of false eyelashes. In her 'All About False Lashes' video, she not only recommends the best quality lash brands and adhesive, but she also makes the very valid point that applying a thick line of liquid liner FIRST works wonders in preventing that 'gap' that can be such a telltale sign of the presence of said falsies. Simple but remarkably true.
From Leesha of XSparkage: To be so youthful, her prowess w/ a makeup brush (not to mention that AMAZING collection of MAC products) is uber impressive. In addition to a variety of rockin' looks suitable to young girls just starting out w/ their makeup application, she also has a great eye for classic style, as is evidenced by that wonderful Dorothy (Wizard of Oz)inspired tutorial, complete with 'ruby slipper' lips! Though the glitter lips proved to be more appealing in theory than in actuality (I did find myself chewing it off...heh heh), one can't deny the brilliant subtlety of such an idea. Speaking of red lips, her 'Perfect Red Lips' tutorial is the first one I watched on YT and the use of concealer around the lips to prevent bleeding and to make the lips stand out is one I had never seen before. It's a great tip I'll always use.
From Koren of Enkoremakeup:It's so nice to see professional makeup artists and performers taking time out of their busy schedule to help all of us out. Koren has always been a fountain of MA knowledge, whether it is a detailed product review or a tip on softening expression lines using strategically applied concealer. Without Koren I would still be in the dark about how to apply mascara easily to another person (always a challenge for me), which Coastal Scents Hot Pots are dupes for MAC shades, and how to make my own Sephora Inspired brush holder! I also am so impressed by the great series he has going with Eve Pearl.
From Pursebuzz :One of the most popular beauty girls on YT is also one of the most prolific. Her videos range from Celebrity Interviews to Hair /Makup Tutorials, style insight, and extremely detailed product reviews. Without her videos, I wouldnt have discovered the wonder of Vanilla Pigment, how to thread my own eyebrows, or the best 'looks' for Asian eyes.
From Aya of Strawberrykoivintage: My partner in vintage crime! (Wait, 'vintage' and 'crime' are NOT synonomous! haha) Aya does something no one else on YT has done, that I've seen. She takes you vintage shopping and even performs a fashion show to give you ideas on how best to pair retro reproduction or vintage pieces w/ modern ones! She saves you money AND time....and she's super cute to boot!
From Julia of MissChievous: Another very technical artist, Julia is remarkably adept and inventive. My favorite of her videos (and the ones I watch repeatedly) are her eyebrow tutorial (Julia's eyebrows are always perfectly groomed and darkened to just the right shade for the look she creates), her tips for exfoliating skin using aspirin tablets, and her very interesting costume makeup creations.
HONORABLE MENTIONS:In addition to the above Honchos of How-To, I must make mention of several other contributors...ones I've recently discovered and ones whose videos just astonish me in general. To Trashyfag and her incredibly quirky (sometimes disturbing) awesomeness, EmilyNoel83 and her ability to talk coherently and do makeup at the same time, HollywoodNoirMakeup's amazing artistry and gorgeous eyes, Svetlana of BeautyARTStudio and her wonderful talents, and (relative) newcomer Siobhan (sp?) of Letzmakeup whose winged liner and brilliant colors are fast propelling her to the head of my 'must see more' list....CHEERS!!