You will need:
A nice fluffy towel
A soft washcloth
A large saucepan or pot
About four chamomile tea bags
coconut or sweet almond oil
ground almonds
plain yogurt
moisturizer of your choice

Step One: Cleansing Massage
Using coconut or almond oil (the coconut oil usually comes in a solidified form and will need to be softened in the microwave first), apply to your face using gentle circular motions. Massage around the eye sockets in a circle, using the knuckles to place pressure at the inner brow, where stress resides. Use your index and ring finger together to make gentle up and down motions at the forehead. Again, use your knuckles to massage in circular motions from the outer nose to the corners of the mouth, and along the cheekbones. Gently stroke upward on the neck, to prevent sagging, using the side of your hands. Remove the excess oil with a warm wet washcloth.

Step Two: Chamomile Steam:
Place 4 cups of water into a large saucepan. Bring to a boil and immediately insert 4 chamomile tea bags. Allow to steep for 10-15 minutes and then promptly place the pot on a table. With a towel over your head, inhale the aroma for about 10 minutes. Your face should perspire in a pleasant way. Rinse your face well with lukewarm water and pat dry. Reserve cooled tea.

Step Three: Exfoliate
Put about two tablespoons of finely ground almonds into a bowl. Add enough honey to make a paste. Apply to the skin in upward and outward motions. Then soak two cotton balls in the cooled chamomile brew and place them over your eyes (to counteract puffiness) while you lay down and relax for about ten more minutes. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry.

Taking plain yogurt straight from the refrigerator, apply to skin generously. Allow it to penetrate and refresh your face for about 10 minutes while you lie down with your feet up. Rinse with warm water.

Finish the facial by moisturizing, using your favorite cream. I am partial to Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream.
Your skin should now fill refreshed, rejuvenated, soft, and supple. Congratulations on time well spent and money well saved!
Video version of this tutorial below: