Ever since I was a little girl, Oscar Night was a big deal in our house. My father and I have always loved the show, even during the 80's when it was at its cheesiest, and so I've carried on the tradition of making Oscar Night special in my own home. I make my 'Oscar Dip' (a delicious Olive Dip, but that's another subject for another post), my husband buys a brew we've never tried, and we usually begin watching the Red Carpet arrivals on E!, around 5:30. This year was no exception, especially since Anne Hathaway was hosting and was rumored to be changing her dress no less than 5 times throughout the telecast.
Let me start by saying that the red carpet is not really 'red'. It's kind of a burgundy color. Which makes the choice of red dress, made by SEVERAL of the night's starlets, an odd one. Yes, they clashed...but hey, most of the 'red dress gang' looked awesome regardless. Sandra Bullock was lovely but the two who really stood out were Anne Hathaway in her vintage Valentino gorgeousness and Jennifer Hudson, who wore a bright sunset orangey red gown by Versace. Though the Valentino is definitely more my aesthetic choice, who can deny the stunning transformation that Jennifer Hudson has undergone in these last few months? That, coupled w/ the gorgeous hair and understated makeup, made her her my choice for the Best Dressed of the night.

I was, of course, pleased to see the Old Hollywood feel to many of the fashion choices. This dress of Reese Witherspoon's was my personal favorite...the cut of it was extraordinary. Can't say I like the hair, though. It's a bit too big and simply draws more attention to her angular jawline.

Best Dressed Male on the Red Carpet, in my opinion, was Robert Downey Jr. He wore this navy suit with ease and looked healthier, less tan, and just all around 'dishy'.


I was likewise impressed by Christian Bale, who really looks at home in the black on black tux...and the fact that he is growing this red beard for 'love', and not for a role, makes me super happy. It's kind of a wonderful train wreck, isnt it? But hey, I've had a crush on the guy since I was eleven years old so perhaps I'm biased.
Hair mistakes WERE made, however. Amy Adams' stylist was evidently channeling a 'Veronica Lake' look in this loose style but something when horribly wrong.

The show was only so-so. I liked the candid stuff (i.e. Kirk Douglas and his ramblings), but the hosts were uncomfortable and a little bit annoying. I also felt that Anne's dress changes were very 'molehill-ish' in nature after that stunning Red Carpet gown. Nothing could hold a candle to it. The fact that the audience gave Billy Crystal a standing ovation when he appeared spoke volumes. 'Please give us a seasoned Oscar Host next year...PLEASE!' I was not surprised by the winners, though I'll admit I expected 'The Social Network' to take Best Picture. It was largely overlooked, interestingly, with 'Inception' and 'The King's Speech' taking top honors.
My 'Worst Dressed' Picks are really more a result of disappointment than anything else. Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin have previously shone in this arena, but what was with the ill-fitting "Miatre'D" outfits??

And the biggest disappointment of all was Cate Blanchett, who usually looks stunning and wears fantastic dresses. This time I was a little grossed out. Not only does the structure at the top look like a bib you'd don to eat barbeque, but the 'beading' along the neckline and back seriously look like some sort of fungal ailment. Also, I think this was pants? Either way...bad show, Cate...bad show...

And that, as they say, is it. In a nutshell...
Let's hear your thoughts!!