Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Using Perming Rods

For a while now I've been intending to try the above style, worn by the lovely Lolita Haze. My bangs were growing out so it took me some time to get to it. But one of the primary reasons I wanted to give it a shot was so I could finally try Lolita's 'set' of choice, perming rods. I sent her a variety of emails to make sure I got it right and unfortunately I lost the following setting pattern until just yesterday! So here is the cute little setting diagram that she sent:

Anyway, at her suggestion I purchased a couple of packs of the peach colored rods (as available at Sally's Beauty Supply) and I also purchased a pack of the purple ones, which are slightly smaller. Since I had misplaced the setting diagram, I rolled my hair in a haphazard manner, making sure to keep the rollers around ear level, so as to eliminate the inevitable volume at the crown of my hair. Since my hair is longer, I had to alter the style somewhat based on the size of my resulting curls. I didn't use a setting solution, just water, but I can honestly say the curls were really impressive and I can see this becoming one of my favorite sets as well.

The sales lady at Sally's had incorrectly informed me that 'you can't use these rods w/out end papers'. Not true, but I can see what she means. If you have layers, it's a bit difficult to wrap the hair around the roller since the hard plastic is slippery and the hair doesn't grip it. End papers would come in handy here but moistening hair a bit will also make this easier. The longer length of the rollers is likewise useful since larger swatches of hair can be rolled at once. All in all, I'd say the 'trial run' of perming rods was a success. I could have stood to use smaller ones, to achieve the tighter curl I wanted, but that's another story for another time.

Video Tutorial: