Friday, February 5, 2010

But Did You ALSO Know??

Most of you know me from my youtube Channel. I feel like I have tried very hard from the beginning to keep that channel as professional as possible...not to lose sight of my initial goal in starting it, and to keep as much of my personal life out of it as I could so as to not turn it into a 'ranting Vlog' or a forum for debate. However, every so often, I think it's a good idea to let my viewers and readers in on a few aspects of my life/personality, that might not come through in my videos or typical blog entries.

So here are a few random facts about me, that may or may not have been evident before.

1.Shaak Ti Is Hot.
Sure, you know that I love Classic Films. But did you also know that I am an enormous Star Wars geek? I have been watching the films since I was a child, and since my only sibling was a brother, I played w/ my fair share of Star Wars action figures. I have three boys so this fascination for all things Jedi has only increased over the years. Show me just about any character from the Star Wars galaxy and I can name what star system they inhabited. I also know the names of every member of the final Jedi Council. Yep, I'm a geek. In addition to my Star Wars passion, I also loved a variety of 'boy-targeted' cartoons growing up. My favorites were SilverHawks, ThunderCats, and Transformers. But I didnt really care for the recent movie creations of the latter. I naturally lean towards Super Hero films and stories also, though I've never read a Marvel or D.C. comic all the way through. I love to watch a 'hero' develop their powers...which is why I loved the first season of 'Heroes', but then lost interest. Incidentally, I hate Star Trek. But I loved the new movie. I know...a conundrum.

2. To Kill a Tomboy
Sure, I'm the glamour fiend now. But when I was a kid, I was a veritable Scout
Finch. I didnt really start to revel in the feminine side of things until I was around 13 and I started wearing makeup with a vengeance. I went thru a period of very large 80's and early 90's hair as well as a grunge phase, when I was about 18.
After I married, I began the slow and steady trend towards glamour, only discovering vintage inspired reproduction clothing in about 2003 or 2004. Since then, I haven't looked back, since I finally had an outlet for all that fashion related frustration that was building up during my 90 odd viewings of To Catch a Thief.

3.Drink Me.
I am addicted to this stuff:

Other than the Coke Zero and the morning cup o' joe (lots and lots of coffeemate), I drink just water and when I'm in the mood for an alcoholic beverage, I'm a 'beer' girl. I especially like Asian varieties. But I do enjoy sparkling wine as well.

I love fine dining and I watch Food Network daily. But sometimes a gal just needs a Little Debbie and a bag of cheetos.

5.A Glutton for Punishment
You all know I have three boys. But did you know I had all three of them naturally, without any anesthetic, and that I barely made it to the hospital with the last one? 45 minutes of labor which could also be termed 45 minutes of sheer torture. I also feel better during my 2nd trimester than at any other time, even when I'm not 'multiplying'.

6.I'm a New World Samurai, but a Redneck Nonetheless.
Lastly, you guys know that I love Rockabilly, Psychobilly, Punk, Americana, and Showtunes. But did you know that my all-time favorite band is 'Clutch'? I am a sucker for raw, aggressive rock n' roll that also happens to have brilliant lyrics. I've seen Clutch countless times, and I plan to always support them when they are anywhere near my town.

Heavy thick guitar has always soothed me and I actually fell asleep on the floor at a 'Melvins' concert once. But Clutch makes me happy and I always smile when I sing along.

Anyway, that's all for now. This came off as very self indulgent, I know. But maybe I'll post more random facts as this blog progresses.

Later Tater...